Data from intercommunal unions are in Explain!

Lola Morvan

Our territorial intelligence software is regularly enriched with new data. These are now the intercommunal skills unions Who have been added to the tool as an issuer of administrative publications. Find out how the data of these actors in intermunicipal cooperation are strategic for companies that work with public actors.

What about intercommunal unions

These new administrative structures, bringing together several municipalities or EPCIs, have emerged to respond to the challenge of improving the efficiency of our territorial organization. Local authorities cooperate to: manage public services or carry out projects of common interest. They delegate to the union certain competences for which local elected officials are responsible, such as the supply of drinking water, the collection and treatment of wastewater, the collection of household waste, sorting and recycling, among other public services.

This pooling of competences, resources and financial resources between municipalities and intercommunalities is a fundamental trend that began in 1992 with the appearance of EPCIs and accelerated with the territorial reform of 2010.

Our best use cases

  • Identify market warning signs

A deliberation by the trade union council in favor of your activity or the preparation of new urban planning documents such as PLU, PLUI, SCOT, DUP... These are all signals to be captured as soon as they are published for Position yourself very early from the public purchaser and engage in prescription work.

  • Deciding to go or pass your turn

To respond or not to respond to this call for tenders? That is the question... And good news, Explain's search engine gives you an initial answer. Is there a very established provider on my market? Who takes care of the care and maintenance? Is it a traditional call for tenders or a purchase order? This information allows you toestimate your probability of winning the contract and whether or not it is useful to engage in prescribing work with local decision-makers. Explain helps you make a complex business decision: position yourself or pass your turn.

  • Personalize your commercial approach

When you decide to go, being up to date with the union's latest positions allows you to:adapt your speech to the concerns of its members. This information, combined with information provided by competitive intelligence on prices and partnerships established in connection with your business, allows you to personalize your offer Commercial and quite mechanically, to bring it up to the top of the pile.

  • Preparing your negotiation on the participation of the union

In the West, unions under the SEM format are playing an increasingly important role in renewable energy projects as co-investor. Monitoring the activity of the electricity unions that support these structures has become indispensable. Through budgets and budget guidance documents, trade unions give you visibility on the sharing of traded capital on competing projects and the investment depth of the union. These publications will help you to see more clearly about its investment capacity and allow you to: prepare for negotiation to come up with the financial package for your project.

Why we prioritized adding this data

Explain provides a technological solution to all professionals in contact with the public sector, providing them with strategic local information for develop their projects, Winning markets and personalize their approach with local decision makers.

Like the publications of local authorities, the data published by the unions is full of valuable information for our customers. There are documents similar to those published by municipalities, such as debates, budget orientation documents, and annual reports. But unlike a community, The union that intervenes within your area of expertise will only deal with topics that relate to your core business. What's more, it manages markets that meet the needs of several communities: we are therefore logically on large budgets.

The skills present in the tool

What early adopters say

Renewable energy sector

“Trade union data gives me new opportunities. I work in a classical way and usually I don't have time to go see what's going on at this level. I would say that it brings one opportunity per month, I am in discussions with one of them for a project. I saw it directly, it allowed me to be the first to place myself.”

Public lighting sector

“On my territory, half of the municipalities belong to the same union. To win their call for tenders, whose scope covers 250 municipalities, a detailed understanding of their issues through the analysis of the deliberations is invaluable. Explain does a good job for us.”

Waste Management Sector

“The annual reports of trade unions are a mine of information in the perspective of renewals. But the most critical information, the information that is not general public, must be found in the deliberations of the trade union councils.”