They got ahead thanks to Explain.
The expected result is already there. We have access to strategic information, which allows us to immediately take commercial action.
We can already say after these first months of use that 6 or 7 projects have been completed thanks to the information provided by Explain.
We have been looking for a tool to automatically report this information for a long time.
With Explain, my business managers saw a way to save a lot of time compared to the market intelligence they had previously done by hand.
With Explain, we have a precise and regular follow-up of the major trends that emerge from our territories. This information is strategic in preparing our meetings with elected officials.
All administrative documents (deliberations, orders, MRae opinions...) and articles of PQR classified by geography, including municipalities < 3,500 residents.
Suggestions for monitoring themes that can be modified independently and unlimited, customizable according to the challenges specific to your geographical area.
An AI that detects all the speeches of elected officials, eliminates duplicates and summarizes the content of your email alerts to make you more responsive.
AI FOR Public data
Explain relieves its customers from the most tedious and repetitive tasks. They can focus on doing what no machine will be able to do for them: turn qualified data into a development strategy. Find out more about use cases related to your sector.
Identify new opportunities and follow everything that happens around your projects in development.
Detect weak signals of the elected officials' needs and gain market shares.
Anticipate the needs of cities and be the first to react, before the publication of calls for tenders.
Identify new construction opportunities and save time to go into the field meeting the elected officials.
Follow the openings and extensions of your competitors and identify development opportunities.
Follow local positions on telecom issues and adapt your speech to the concerns of elected officials.
Notre IA apprend de vos Go / No Go antérieurs : elle classe vos marchés selon leur pertinence et s’assure que vous ne ratez aucune opportunité, pas même celles qui passeraient à travers une veille mots-clefs traditionnelle.
Notre IA analyse et synthétise l’ensemble des pièces du DCE selon vos propres critères de décision de Go / No Go. Vous vous construisez rapidement un avis sur le potentiel d’un marché, sans avoir à consulter l’intégralité du dossier. Vous divisez par 10 le temps nécessaire à la décision.
Partage, catégorisation des marchés, notes : l’ergonomie de l’interface est pensée pour faciliter la collaboration entre les différentes personnes de votre équipe.
🟢 Priorisation des marchés par pertinence
🟢 Rapidité et exhaustivité de la collecte (avis initiaux, rectificatif, attribution)
🟢 Réactivité des alertes email "nouveaux marchés"
🟢 Synthèse du DCE selon vos critères
🟢 Consultation du cahier des charges directement depuis l'application
🟢 Téléchargement du DCE en un clic et sans surcoût
🟢 Simplicité de partage des informations stratégiques d'un marché
🟢 Catégorisation des opportunités
🟢 Edition de notes et historisation des éléments clés d'un marché
Détectez toutes les opportunités
L'IA repère instantanément tous vos marchés cibles, même ceux dissimulés par des formulations atypiques.
Analysez en priorité les marchés prometteurs
L'IA de pointe identifie et sélectionne les marchés que vous avez le plus de chance de gagner.
Analysez vos marchés en un coup d'oeil
L'IA synthétise le DCE selon vos critères de décision, et vous redirige vers le passage pertinent.
Bénéficiez d'une plateforme tout-en-un
L'interface centralise les pièces du DCE (CCTP, RC, BPU...) et l'intégralité des avis (initiaux, rectificatifs, attribution).
Catégorisez vos marchés en un clic
"Go", "No Go", "A creuser", "Gagné"... Suivez en temps réel l'avancée des marchés et conservez l'historique des succès et échecs.
Collaborez efficacement avec les membres de l'équipe
Partage des marchés, des pièces du DCE, des notes... Communiquez sans effort les informations clés aux membres de votre équipe.
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Exhaustiveness: detection of 100% of the most promising opportunities and recommendations
Query the topics and geography that interest you, without restrictions, based on your keywords or predefined themes.
Customize your alerts according to your topics of interest, your geographical perimeter and choose the frequency that best suits your working methods.
Access the history of elected officials' positions to identify influencers and detractors and adapt your discourse to local issues.
Press titles: all the regional daily press and local economic press
Editions: web and paper
Consumption: unlimited
How much: 100% of prefectures and MRae scanned
Types of documents: MRae notice, notice of the opening of a public investigation, public investigation files, prefectural orders
How much: 100% of municipalities and EPCIs scanned, i.e. 23K having a site
Types of documents: deliberations, municipal council reports, urban planning documents, local gazettes
Exhaustiveness: all elected officials are referenced there (+840K elected)
Format: Form by elected officials and prefects with the history of their positions
Update every 6 months and in case of election
Skills: Energy, Waste, Water and Sanitation, Planning Schemes, Telecom, Roads
Type of documents: deliberations, budget guidance documents, annual reports
Business Accelerator
Imagine a world without paperwork. A world where your time is no longer wasted looking for information in official documents. This is the world that Explain is building, through the first artificial intelligence tool dedicated to professionals working with the public sector.
You automatically have access to strategic business information. Our models are trained to eliminate the “noise” around your topics of interest, saving you hours of tedious document research and reading.
You are alerted to weak signals, which make it possible to predict that there's going to be a need. You'll be able to react more quickly than your competitors and choose the best time to position your offer.
The information obtained on competing contracts and the positions of elected officials helps you to prioritize your prospecting, to prepare your appointments and to build an offer tailored to the region's issues.
Explain is among the first companies in the world to have found a concrete application for LLM, the technology behind ChatGPT.
Generative AIs will create an entire ecosystem of AI solutions for each business segment. Explain is the AI of professionals working with public data.
We made tens of millions of documents accessible and analyzable, many of which had never been indexed, including by Google.
Professionals working with the public sector represent 12% of global GDP. Our AI will soon be used all over the world to simplify public - private interactions.
Key features
As easy as a search engine, search for topics and geography that interest you, without restrictions. Enter keywords or use our predefined themes to eliminate the “noise” around your industry.
Personalize your alerts according to your themes of interest, your geographical perimeter and choose the frequency that suits you. You can adjust your alert settings at any time.
Consult the positions of elected officials in your geographical area to identify influencers, detractors and adapt your speech to their local concerns. You will also access their past functions.
Our customers develop the projects that shape the world of tomorrow.
We provide them with the best technology to do it effectively.
ROI & Customer Satisfaction
Articles, webinars, white papers